Camillo Sbarbaro, one of the greatest Italian literary poets of the twentieth century.

Stroll through Spotorno and admire the Commemorative Plaque for the Poet Camillus Sbarbaro. The poet, born in Santa Margherita, settled for the first time in Spotorno in 1941, due to the war, when his house in via Montaldo in Genoa, near the Staglieno Cemetery, became too exposed to the risk of bombing.

But his bond with Spotorno had its roots in childhood, when he spent his holidays at the sea with his maternal grandparents. 

Unfortunately, in May 1944 the poet and his family left the coastal municipality; in 1951 Sbarbaro definitively retired to Spotorno in the house in via Finale with his sister Lina and aunt Benedetta and remained until his death. 

Nobel laureate Eugenio Montale dedicated a section of the first pages of the collection "Ossi di seppia" to Camillo Sbarbaro, calling him "whimsical child"

Every time the poet returned to Spotorno, he always found a situation of serenity and adherence to Ligurian nature.

The love for this land is in fact described in his poems; small daily events capable of arousing great poetic suggestions, as in this short passage:

This year the agaves of the coast have put the flower: a small tree of blond cobs, accommodation for the wasps. On the bare vertebrae of the road, on the bald and calcined mountains July rages on. With bare bones, the town opens with a dry mouth on the sea; that evades its thirst by sprinkling it with bitter foams

Il Golfo dell'Isola, a land of poetic and lyric inspiration for illustrious poets, as for the great artist Camillo Sbarbaro.

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